ManSDN/NFV 2015 Keynote Talk
SDN/NFV, is it the Answer or the Question?
Speaker: Barry Graham, Telemanagement Forum
Date: 13/11/2015, 09:00 - 10:00 am
Room: Sala Telecos
Abstract: The marketplace for digital services is changing to create new opportunities for all players. At the same time the technology that underpins communications services is set to change in a way that will enable the monetization of these opportunities. This presentation examines these changes and, using example of work being done by members of the TM Forum, shows how management systems are going to evolve to enable businesses to thrive in this new world.

Bio: Barry Graham has 20 years’ experience in the ever changing communications industry. He has held senior positions with large corporations such as Motorola where he lead their GSM Infrastructure product management team, through to startup companies such as location intelligence specialist Arieso, where he was part of the executive team that grew the business through to successful acquisition. He has spoken at industry events around the globe on subjects as diverse as practical uses of big data location analytics through to HetNet evolution as well as chairing a number of panels and workshops. At the TM Forum Barry has been instrumental in driving the new vision for the digital ecosystem and is now focussed on leading the ZOOM programme to create the TM Forum vision for the digital operations centre of the future.