11th International Conference on Network and Service Management
Barcelona, Spain - November 09-13, 2015

DCM 2015 Call for Papers

The DMTF announces the eighth workshop for academic research on the management of platforms, systems and datacenters, covering standards and new technologies. The Datacenter and Cloud Management 2015 workshop (DCM 2015) is hosted to showcase the DMTF's alliances with the academic community.

Submittals are encouraged from on-going research, completed research, and implementation experiences in the following areas and covering use cases, solution architecture and interfaces:


  • Management of Compute and Storage Clouds
  • Managing service catalogs and selecting service templates
  • Managing SaaS, IaaS and PaaS
  • Orchestrating the cloud
  • Open source management (e.g. OpenStack)


System Management

  • Managing compute, storage and network platforms
  • Managing desktop platforms and mobile devices
  • Managing the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Telemetry, control and autonomics for management
  • Fault management and diagnostics


  • Software Defined Networking, Storage and Compute
  • Software Defined Datacenter
  • NFV – network function virtualization
  • System virtualization
  • Managing network services and fabric topologies
  • Managing the datacenter facility


Protocols and Models

  • Managing with RESTful protocols
  • Managing with web-service protocols
  • Information models



Authors are requested to submit either long or short papers via the conference submission software. Only original papers not published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted.

Please submit your papers to the conference submission Web site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcm15


Submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the technical program committee members and the reviewers they invite. After the notification the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their papers for publication. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore proceedings.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: July 19, 2015 (hard deadline)
Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2015
Camera Ready Papers for proceedings: September 20, 2015
Workshop: November 9, 2015

The DMTF values input from the academic world and is open to providing information to faculty and students who are studying and researching management standards. The Academic Alliance membership is a free membership for individuals of accredited institutions of higher learning. Academic Alliance Members have access to the DMTF members-only Web pages and member email lists. Academic Alliance Members are eligible to participate in DMTF working groups as non-voting members, and in the DMTF Marketing and Technical Committees as non-voting members.

For more information on how to become an Academic Alliance Member, please contact DMTF Administration (https://dmtf.org/contact).

Organization In-Cooperation With

Technical Co-Sponsors
