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Here is the Call for Papers.
When your accepted paper (full paper, mini-conference paper, short/poster paper, workshop paper) is presented, it will appear soon afterwards on IEEE Xplore® (the IEEE Digital Library) and it is important that your submitted PDF file meets the specification for IEEE Xplore.
Please address the suggestions raised by the reviewers to improve the quality of your paper and make sure to comply with all formatting requirements. Please note that it is not possible to purchase extra pages.
Please format your final submission using the guidelines provided in IEEE_conf_layout.pdf. The guidelines are implemented in IEEE templates. LaTex authors please verify you are using the following documentclass:
Only in case you are unable to use LaTex, other text processors may be used at your own risk. IEEE provides a template for Word in US-Letter size. Your final submission must follow all IEEE conference formatting requirements (e.g., font sizes, margins, and layout). Thus, check them really carefully.
Before uploading your paper, please:
This is very important because we will be using the information provided in EDAS to generate the final conference program and the table of contents for IEEE Xplore. Please note that the abstract and title should be readable stand-alone and not contain any references or unexplained acronyms.
The Publication Chair will add the copyright notice to your paper.
In case you need to modify the title or the abstract, you can do this through EDAS. Changes to the list of authors, allowed only under exceptional circumstances, have to be approved by TPC chairs. All the camera-ready papers have to be submitted via EDAS.
Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check Xplore-compatibility, the CNSM 2024 account uses as the conference ID: 62983X
EDAS will prevent you from uploading papers that do not comply with formatting checks. Please check all requirements carefully again if that happens. If you believe your paper is compliant and you are still prevented from uploading, please send your PDF eXpress™-certified PDF file to the publication chair and ask for advice. Please always put your EDAS paper number in the subject line of email communication.
Authors of CNSM, are required to transfer the copyright of their accepted papers to IFIP.
In this case you have to upload the IFIP form. First, click here to get the IFIP copyright form. Read and fill it up adequately. Don’t forget to include the title of your work, the first and last names of all the authors, and then sign it. After getting the copyright ready, log onto EDAS and click on the copyright logo (©) of your accepted CNSM or Workshop paper. Update the signed copyright, following instructions on EDAS. Once you finish that process, EDAS will show the type and date of copyright submission on your paper page.
Upload to EDAS the final versions of:
Preferred Size and Layout: A0 (Height: 1189 mm × Width: 841 mm) in portrait orientation is recommended.
Alternative Size Options: A1-sized posters (either in portrait or landscape orientation) are also acceptable and will fit on the provided poster boards.