12th International Conference on Network and Service Management
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2016

The International Workshop on Green ICT and Smart Networking (GISN 2016)

The International Workshop on Green ICT and Smart Networking (GISN 2016) will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2016) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 31st - November 4th, 2016.

New smart networked systems, like homes, factories, farms, grids or cities, are being introduced at unprecedented pace, helping tackle problems ranging from supply chain management to climate change. The integration of technology into a strategic approach to sustainability, citizen well-being, and economic development of society leads to multi- dimensional, encompassing different aspects of smartness and stressing the importance of interaction across multiple domains.

This one day workshop aims at bringing together researchers from both industry and academia to promote the discussion on smart and green solutions for stimulating, innovating, designing, provisioning, and optimizing networked society. We invite submissions on all aspects of networking and computing research that have a strong focus on smart technologies, cloud computing, green ICT, telecommunications, Future Internet, and environmental assessment.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Green Data Centers
  • Green Cloud and Green Telco Cloud
  • Smart networking technologies
  • Energy efficiency in intra and inter data center network
  • Broadband access technologies
  • QoE/QoS
  • Life-cycle analysis for smart ICT
  • Sustainable Mobile Computing
  • Multiservice platforms
  • Renewable energy and ICTs
  • Power measurement and smart meters in Future Internet
  • Advanced analytical and behavioral learning systems

And their application to:

  • Cloud computing and Smart Cities
  • Smart home communications
  • Smart transportation
  • 5G and low-latency communications


Important dates

Paper Submission (FIRM): August 21st, 2016
Notification of acceptance: Sept. 4th, 2016
Camera Ready: Sept. 11th, 2016
Workshop date: Nov. 4th, 2016

Submission of Papers @ https://edas.info/N22759

Paper submissions must present original, unpublished research or experiences. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures.

Standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at:


Papers accepted for GISN 2016 will be published open access on the conference Web site (with IFIP copyright) and submitted to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, ACM and IFIP Digital Libraries. IFIP and IEEE reserve the right to remove any paper from the IFIP database and IEEE Xplore if the paper is not presented at the workshop.

Organizing Committee

Workshop co-chairs:

Technical program co-chair:


Panel: IEEE Green ICT initiative - roadmap


Organization In-Cooperation With
Technical Co-Sponsors