09:30-10:30, Monday, November 27
Mini-Conference Keynote
Managing Network Devices with Redfish and YANG (SLIDES)
For CNSM 2016, the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) introduced the Redfish® standard, as a modern RESTful interface, for managing compute, storage. The DMTF released the Redfish models for compute and SNIA (Storage Network Industry Association) released the models for networked storage. For networking, the DMTF wanted to use the immense body of work represented in the YANG models. The DMTF’s plan was to programmatically convert YANG models into Redfish models. This goal was presented at IETF 98. DMTF has recently released the first set of Redfish manageability models for managing an Ethernet switch, as work-in-progress.
This presentation will describe the DMTF’s strategy and progress in creating manageability models for network devices. The present will also present the additions to Redfish’s open source tool-chain available to researchers for extending Redfish to manage additional network and services.
Dr. John Leung, Intel, USA
John Leung is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. John has been represented Intel in the DMTF since 2004. Currently, he holds the DMTF Board offices of VP of Alliances and Vice-chair. John has been involved with Redfish since its inception and he participates in the Redfish Forum and co-chairs multiple Redfish subgroups. John has authored and contributed to over 40 DMTF specifications. John has worked in the computer industry architecting, designing and coding, for over 35 years. John is a graduate from the California Institute of Technology. While attending Caltech, John worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he analyzed telemetry from the Pioneer 12 Venus Orbiter and published his finding. John has worked in several companies (McDonnell Douglas and Logicon), before working for two successful startups in Silicon Valley: Sun Microsystems and Auspex Systems. At Intel, John is focused on the manageability interfaces for Intel® Rack Scale Design. John was the technology architect for Intel® Node Manager, which provided system power and thermal telemetry and power capping control.
Dr. Matsuki Yoshino, Hitachi, Japan
Matsuki Yoshino has worked in the software industry for 35 years. He received BS in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo, MS in Computer Science from School of Engineering and Applied Science of Columbia University of the City of New York and Ph.D. in Information Science from Graduate School of Information Science and Technology of Osaka University, respectively. After he joined Hitachi Ltd. in 1982, he was in charge of several development projects like language processors, software development environment and Java application server. Currently he is in charge of Hitachi’s joint research projects with the University of Tokyo on database for big data analysis funded by Japanese government agencies. In 2007-2009 and 2011-13, he served as a board member of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan). Since 2015, he has served as the editor in chief of “Digital Practice”, which is a journal published by IPSJ for sharing useful real world practices in information technologies area. IPSJ fellow was awarded to him in 2013 for his contributions to IPSJ management and accomplishments for progress of software industry in Japan. Currently, he is Hitachi’s Advisory Committee Representative of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and a board and the chair of JRMTF (Japan Regional Marketing Task Force) of DMTF.
09:30-10:30, Tuesday, November 28
Main-Conference Keynote Session 1
Data-driven Network Engineering and Management
Prof. Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Rolf Stadler is a professor with the Department of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He holds an M.Sc. degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Zurich. Before joining KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2001, he held positions at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Columbia University, and ETH Zürich. His group has made contributions to real-time monitoring, resource management, and self-management for large-scale networks and clouds. His current interests include advanced monitoring techniques, as well as data-driven methods for network engineering and management. Rolf Stadler is currently Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM).
09:30-10:30, Wednesday, November 29
Main-Conference Keynote Session 2
Network Softwarization for Driving Data Analytics, In-Network Machine Learning and Edge Computing
Prof. Akihiro Nakao, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Akihiro Nakao received B.S. in 1991 in Physics, M.E. in 1994 in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo. He was at IBM Yamato Laboratory, Tokyo Research Laboratory, and IBM Texas Austin from 1994 till 2005. He received M.S. in 2001 and Ph.D. in 2005 in Computer Science from Princeton University. He has been teaching as an associate professor from 2005 to 2014, and as a professor from 2014 in Applied Computer Science, at Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. He has been contributing and leading many projects on Future Internet technologies; PlanetLab, GENI, Vnode, FLARE, and 5G!Pagoda as well as ITU-T FG-IMT2020 Standardization discussion. Moreover, he has been appointed as a chairman of the Network Architecture Committee of 5G Mobile Communication Promotion Forum (5GMF) since September 2014.
09:30-10:30, Thursday, November 30
Main-Conference Keynote Session 3
Networking Grand Challenges for 5G/IoT Advanced Applications and Platforms in US Ignite in 5G/IoT era
Dr. Glenn Ricart, US Ignite, Founder and CTO, USA
Glenn Ricart brings forty years of innovation in computer networking and related fields to US Ignite. Glenn is an Internet pioneer who implemented the first Inter-net interconnection point (the FIX in College Park, Maryland) and was recognized for this achievement by being inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in August 2013. In one of his previous roles where he was academic CIO at the University of Maryland, his campus implemented the first institution-wide TCP/IP (Internet) network in 1983 using low-cost PDP-11 routers (“Fuzballs”) with software devised at the University of Maryland. Glenn was principal investigator of SURAnet, the first regional TCP/IP (Internet) network of academic and commercial institutions. Glenn’s formal education includes degrees from Case Institute of Technology and Case Western Reserve University, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science is from the University of Maryland, College Park. His inventions have resulted in more than a dozen patents. Dr. Ricart has served on the boards of three public companies, CACI, the SCO Organization, and First USA Financial Services, in addition to numerous non-profits