1. ICQT 2013 (Mon Oct 14, 2013)
The goal of the ICQT 2013 workshop is to discuss the latest research results and practices concerning the consolidation and combination of technical and economic mechanisms for enabling a fast, guaranteed, and efficient charging and pricing of services as well as other business related and regulatory issues for the future evolution of the Internet and the telecommunications business in general. It also aimes to provide an active forum for diffenrent stakeholders, including the application developers, business architects, network and service providers, and customers to exchange their views on this multifaceted subject.
For further information concerning the ICQT 2013 workshop please contact: Tuan Anh Trinh, or Sandrine Vaton.
2. SVM 2013 (Fri Oct 18, 2013)
The primary theme of SVM 2013 will be "Systems and Virtualization Management: Standards and the Cloud". With the advent and increasing popularity of Cloud Computing, systems management and virtualization management technology has taken on increasing importance.
For further information concerning the SVM 2013 workshop please contact: Mark Carlson
3. SETM 2013 (Fri Oct 18, 2013)
The CNSM Workshop on Social-aware Economic Traffic Management (SETM) 2013 addresses the use of social information to improve the efficiency of network management for overlay and cloud applications in an economic manner. SETM 2013 is the continuation and evolvement of three successful Economic Traffic Management workshops, where the last workshop was co-located with ITC22.
For further information concerning the SETM 2013 workshop please contact: David Hausheer, or Tobias Hossfeld
The submission of workshop proposals period is now finished.