WNDM 2024

1st Workshop on Wireless Networks Deployment and Management (WNDM)
Monday 28 October 2024


Nowadays multiple wireless networks coexist in unlicensed spectra, relying on access nodes that belong to multiple technologies and with mobile devices equipped with wireless interfaces from multiple technologies. Furthermore, each wireless technology includes a number of complex features to be optimized. In this setting, advanced handling of complex features, such as resource allocation or link selection to name a few, is likely expected to help in the optimization, deployment, and management stages. AI/ML-assisted methodologies likely will help to address the joint optimization of multiple features also in scenarios in which multiple technologies coexist in unlicensed spectra. The workshop covers the methodological aspects, including AI/ML-assisted wireless network deployment and management, for the optimization of wireless networks, advanced tools, and the integration of tools for proper modeling and evaluation of complex wireless networks.

The workshop seeks regular papers from research centers and academia for demonstrations of novel work and work-in-progress in the context of AI/ML-assisted optimization strategies of complex wireless networks deployment and management, advanced tools, and integration of multiple tools/approaches for proper modeling and evaluation of complex coexisting wireless networks. Additionally, the workshop seeks talks on very early-stage research or in tutorial style on advanced tools.

Topics of Interest

Topics of Interest to the workshop include but are not limited to:

  • AI/ML for wireless network resource allocation (e.g. AI/ML assisted MU/OFDMA scheduling)
  • QoE/QoS management in wireless networks (e.g., link selection in multi-link/multiple-interface devices)
  • Energy management of mobile devices (e.g. AI/ML assisted environment-aware energy management like TWT in Wi-Fi)
  • Cellular and Wi-Fi networks coexistence
  • Modeling and performance evaluation of wireless networks (e.g., dense scenarios with multiple or next-generation wireless technologies)

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: August 23, 2024
Acceptance Notification: September 9, 2024
Camera Ready: September 16, 2024
Workshop Day: October 28, 2024

All times in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) timezone.

Paper Submission Guideline

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers not under review elsewhere. Papers should be submitted in IEEE 2-column format (Style templates can be found here). Maximum paper lengths, including title, abstract, all figures, tables, and references, are 7 pages for regular papers and 4 pages for short papers. Regular paper length could include up to 7 pages including references. Short papers are accepted as well and must not exceed 4 pages including references.

Papers have to be submitted electronically in PDF format through the EDAS conference management system, accessible via this link.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected based on their originality, significance, technical soundness, and relevance to the workshop’s theme. For accepted papers, at least one author is expected to register and present the paper in person at the workshop. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.

Workshop Chairs

Pasquale Imputato, University of Naples Federico II
Stefania Zinno, University of Naples Federico II

For any questions, please feel free to contact Pasquale Imputato (pasquale.imputato@unina.it).