• Prague

    River view

  • Prague

    Dusk View

  • Prague

    Prague Castle

  • Prague

    Orloj Clock

  • Prague

    Zlata Ulicka

    Welcome to CNSM 2024

    The 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) is inviting authors to submit original contributions in network and service management research. CNSM is a selective single-track conference, covering all aspects of the management of networks and services, pervasive systems, enterprises, and cloud computing environments. In particular, CNSM 2024 will focus on AI-Powered Network and Service Management for Tomorrow's Digital World.

    Papers accepted and presented at CNSM 2024 will be published as open access on the conference website and will be submitted for possible publication in IEEE Xplore. Authors of selected papers accepted for publication in the CNSM 2024 proceedings will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management journal.

    TPC Co-Chairs
    Mauro Tortonesi, University of Ferrara, Italy
    Tim Wauters, Ghent University - imec, Belgium

    General Co-Chairs
    Pál Varga, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
    Pavel Celeda, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

    Call for Papers

    Please download the CNSM CFP flyer here:


    Paper Submission:
    15 July 2024 (firm)
    Rebuttal Period:
    19 - 22 August 2024
    Notification of Acceptance:
    30 August 2024
    Camera Ready Due:
    13 September 2024
    Conference Dates:
    28 - 31 October 2024

    You can find us on twitter https://twitter.com/cnsmconf