KEYNOTE - 1, October 25, 9:00 - 10:00

Title: IT Service Management and Delivery for an Enterprise
Speaker: Maheswaran Surendra, IBM

Abstract: In this talk we present an overview of IT from the Service Delivery perspective. While this includes the typical considerations of systems management, it does introduce new considerations especially from an IT Service Provider perspective, including how to manage service transition and steady-state, with a focus on continual improvement for productivity and quality. We discuss factory based approaches to standardize delivery processes, supporting metrics and the appropriate introduction of automation. Challenges for a service provider range from having a diverse client base with varying degrees of architectural control and expectations. Implications of the latter are important from the quality domain, where client anticipation of quality is different from the provider.

Bio: Maheswaran Surendra is the director of services management for IBM Research at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center, where he has responsibility for research and innovation initiatives in IT Services Management and Delivery. He has been with IBM Research since 1991, and been involved in a wide range of technology domains, including semiconductor manufacturing, IT systems management software and most recently, services management. Prior to joining IBM, he was at UC Berkeley, where he received a PhD in Chemical Engineering.